A Vegetarian Diet Is Better Than a Meat Based Diet

Vegetarian Vs Meat-Eater: 5 Facts That Will Help You Decide The Best Diet For You

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Vegetarian Vs Meat-Eater: Who Is Healthier?

Vegetarian Vs Meat-Eater: Who is Healthier?

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Vegetarians Have Healthier Disease Markers Than Meat-eaters

Vegetarians have healthier disease markers than meat-eaters

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Meat-eaters Have Better Psychological Health Than Vegetarians

Here's something that meat-eaters may want to hear. A study published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition last year found that people who eat meat tend to have better psychological health than vegetarians. It found that vegetarians/vegans were at a greater risk of depression, anxiety, and self-harm, compared to meat-eaters. Urska Dobersek, an assistant professor at the University of Southern Indiana, and team reviewed 18 previous studies on the relationship between meat consumption and psychological health. Altogether the studies included 149,559 meat-consumers and 8,584 meat-abstainers from Europe, Asia, North America, and Oceania. Though they found "clear evidence" that meat-abstainers tended to have higher rates or risk of depression, anxiety, and self-harm compared to meat-eaters, they were not clear about the causal relationship between avoidance of meat and psychological health.

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Vegetarians Likely To Be Slimmer And Less Extroverted Than Meat Eaters

In 2020, a large-scale study conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS) in cooperation with the University Hospital of Leipzig concluded that vegetarians tend to be slimmer and less extroverted than meat eaters. The less animal products in a person's diet, the lower his body mass index (BMI) on average and thus his body weight, the study stated. The study published in the journal Nutrients also found an association between a person's dietary choice and his personality. According to the researchers, people who predominantly eat plant-based foods are more introverted than those who mainly fed on animal products. One reason for this could be that more introverted people tend to have more restrictive eating habits or they are more socially segregated because of their eating habits, they researcher noted.

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Eat More Vegetables And Less Meat

Consumption of too much meat, particularly red meat and processed meats that are high in fat, is associated with an increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers and increased risk of death. A diet that has more plant-based foods and less meat is better for overall health. The Mediterranean diet, which is comprised of primarily plant-based foods with a low intake of meat and dairy foods, is considered to be one of the healthiest diets in the world. People that follow this diet limit their red meat consumption to only a few times per month. Among the many health benefits, this diet is known to help in preventing heart disease and managing diabetes.

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Don't Give Up Meat, Become A Flexitarian

You don't have to go cold turkey, instead, consider going meatless one day a week or try a couple of meatless dinners each week. When your meals include meat, choose lean cuts, and avoid oversized portions. You can choose between being vegetarian and meat-eater. You can reap both the benefits of plant-based foods and meat by becoming a flexitarian - which is someone who eats mostly plant-based foods, but occasionally eats meat, poultry and fish.

A Vegetarian Diet Is Better Than a Meat Based Diet

Source: https://www.thehealthsite.com/photo-gallery/vegetarian-vs-meat-eater-5-facts-that-will-help-you-decide-the-best-diet-for-you-812982/

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