Do You Need to Know a Foreign Language for the Art Institute of Pittsburgh

General Teaching Requirements (GERs) are a buffet for your brain—more than than just requirements, they are your opportunity to find interests you lot never knew yous had, all while earning credits toward graduation. And, no matter what your future holds, be it a career or grad schoolhouse, GERs set you past emphasizing skills employers desire (similar critical thinking, problem solving, written and oral communication) and giving you the opportunity to go more than enlightened of our increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

"If used properly, full general education requirements tin exist exciting, enriching opportunities to narrow down your interests, eliminate inapplicable costs, customize your education and market yourself to future employers."

—Julia Kreutzer (political science and communications majors, theatre arts small-scale)

Read Julia's Pitt News' article about her experience with General Educational activity Requirements.

The Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences provides a liberal arts and preprofessional instruction for undergraduate students that is grounded in scholarly excellence. Pitt offers you the knowledge, understanding, belittling tools, and communication skills you need to become perceptive, reflective, and intellectually cocky-witting citizens within a diverse and rapidly changing world. GERs are at the core of our pedagogy.

Of import note

Our General Teaching Requirements changed for students inbound every bit of fall 2018 (2191) term. The requirements described below are for these students. If yous were admitted to the Dietrich Schoolhouse prior to fall 2018 (2191) term, please follow these General Education Requirements.

Considering new courses are constantly beingness added, we encourage y'all to talk with your advisor and bank check the General Education Course Catalog (PDF) to get the most upwardly-to-date information about which courses fulfill which requirements.

Foundations for Excellence

The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences is committed to providing the best possible education for its undergraduate students. This is best served through a clear and innovative curriculum that provides students with the skills, knowledge, and belittling skills, disciplinary understanding, intellectual curiosity, and creative opportunities that will allow them to engage and conform in an increasingly diverse and rapidly changing world. Diverseness and inclusion are role of the core mission of our school and the university and are central matters for our students and society. Of allied importance is the agreement of complex global problems and unlike cultures.

A. Writing

Written communication is fundamental to almost all disciplines and professions. Developing writing proficiency is a lifelong process, and information technology is especially of import that undergraduate education accelerates and directs that process toward the achievement of writing skills that will provide a base of operations advisable for professional or graduate education or for professional employment. The schoolhouse requires that all students complete the following writing courses during their undergraduate career.

1. Composition

Students must complete the composition requirement, ENGCMP 0200 Seminar in Composition or its equivalent, with a minimum form of C- by the end of their first year of report. Part-time students should consummate the requirement within their first 30 credits. Transfer students must complete this requirement within their first 15 credits.

Based on placement, students may exist required to complete ENGCMP 0150 Workshop in Composition (or its equivalent) prior to enrolling in ENGCMP 0200 Seminar in Composition. Students may be exempt from the Seminar in Limerick requirement with a 660 or above Evidence-Based Reading and Writing SAT score or an ACT English score of 27 and a 5 on the AP English: Language and Composition or AP English: Literature and Composition.

2. Two Writing-Intensive Courses

Writing intensive courses (W-Courses) are designed to teach writing inside a discipline through writing assignments that are distributed across the entire term. In these courses, students will produce at least 20-24 pages of written piece of work. A significant portion of this piece of work should be essentially revised in response to instructor feedback and class discussion.

All students must consummate two courses that are designated as W-Courses, or one W-Course. Students must satisfy 1 chemical element of this requirement within their major field of study. W-Courses may likewise be courses that fulfill other General Instruction Requirements.

B. Algebra and Quantitative and Formal Reasoning

1. Algebra

Students must complete the algebra requirement, MATH 0031 College Algebra or its equivalent, with a minimum course of C- past the end of their first twelvemonth of study. Role-fourth dimension students should consummate the requirement within their commencement 30 credits.  Transfer students must consummate this requirement within their commencement fifteen credits. Students volition be exempt from the algebra requirement with a 620 or above Math Sabbatum score or a 27 or above Math ACT score.

2. Quantitative and Formal Reasoning

All students are required to take and pass with a minimum grade of C- at least one form in university-level mathematics (other than trigonometry) for which algebra is a prerequisite, or an approved course in statistics or mathematical or formal logic in a department of the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences.

C. Linguistic communication

A Sequence of 2 Courses in a Second Language
All students are required to consummate with a class of C- or improve two terms of university-level study in a second language other than English language. Exemptions will be granted to students who can demonstrate elementary proficiency in a second language through one of the following:

  1. Having completed three years of loftier school study of a second language with a grade of B or ameliorate in each class;
  2. Passing a special proficiency examination;
  3. Transferring credits for two terms or more than of approved university-level instruction in a second language with grades of C or meliorate;
  4. Having a native language other than English.

D. Multifariousness

The Dietrich School will work to create a framework for pedagogical support for instructors who wish to build variety into their courses, both to increase awareness of multifariousness beyond the curriculum, and to broaden the range of courses that might exist offered to fulfill this requirement.

Diversity courses focus centrally and intensively on issues of diversity, and do so in a manner that promotes understanding of difference. They provide students with analytical skills with which to understand structural inequities and the knowledge to exist able to participate more than effectively in our increasingly diverse and multicultural society. The courses may accost, though not exist limited to, such issues every bit race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, religious departure, ability difference, and/or economical disparity.

All students must complete one grade that is designated as a Diversity course merely may accept this form within their major bailiwick. Diversity courses may also be courses that fulfill other General Pedagogy Requirements.

Due east. Division Requirements in the Humanities and Arts, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences

Each student is required to take nine courses in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences distributed as below. Such courses allow students to pursue their own interests while they explore diverse views of a broad range of human cultures, modes of thought, and bodies of cognition. The courses that fulfill these requirements are truly courses in the disciplines that describe on the unique resources of a research academy.

1. A Course in Literature

By studying a range of literary and other texts in this course, students will be introduced to the techniques and methods of textual assay and volition develop critical perspectives on a variety of forms of cultural expression.

2. A Course in the Arts

This class introduces students to modes of assay appropriate to music, theatre, or the visual and plastic arts. It may take the form of a survey, the study of a genre or menstruum, or may focus on a particular artist.

3. A Course in Creative Work

In this course students are expected to produce some class of creative work, and they will besides be trained in the techniques and modes of its production. The course could be situated in theatre, studio arts, writing, visual arts (including photography, movie), music, and trip the light fantastic; or information technology may be a course that engages in innovative or original work in relation to written, oral, or visual textile, new media, social media, and other contemporary forms of communication and representation.

iv. A Form in Philosophical Thinking or Ideals

This course will emphasize close and critical reading of theories near knowledge, reality, humanity, and values. Courses could focus on human nature; scientific reasoning; theories of noesis and consciousness; human/social rights; competing systems of belief; morality; concepts of liberty; theories of justice; social obligations/constraints; or ethics, including practical or professional ethics.

five. A Social Science Form

A course that treats topics considered of significant importance in the social or behavioral sciences (including social psychology). Courses will introduce students to the subject affair and methodology of a detail discipline and will involve them in the modes of investigation, analysis, and judgment characteristically applied by practitioners.

six. A Course in Historical Analysis

In this form, students volition develop skills and methods by which to understand significant cultural, social, economic, or political accounts of the past. The form may focus on pivotal moments of change, or important transitions over longer periods of time. Courses could explore developments in science, technology, literature, or fine art, and the ideas around them, or examine critical historical shifts past analyzing various data or cultural forms.

vii. 3 Courses in the Natural Sciences

These will be courses that introduce students to scientific principles and concepts rather than offering a elementary codified of facts in a discipline or a history of a bailiwick. The courses may be interdisciplinary, and no more than two courses may have the same principal departmental sponsor.

F. Global Sensation and Cultural Understanding

Each student must complete three courses in global sensation and cultural understanding distributed as below.

one. A Class in Global Bug

This course will examine significant issues that are global in scale. Courses could address, for example: globalization; the global and cultural impact of climate change/sustainability; the effects of and resistances to colonialism; or worldwide bug related to wellness, gender, ethnicity, race, technology, labor, police, or the economy.

two. A Course in a Specific Geographic Region

This course volition exist an in depth study and analysis of a particular region or locality outside of the United States.

three. A Course in Cross-Cultural Awareness

This course, through cross-cultural perspective, will promote noesis of and reflection upon the cultures of Asia, the Middle E, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, or the indigenous peoples of the world past and nowadays. Students will develop an understanding of cultures, traditions, and societies that differ substantially from those that prevail in N America and Europe.


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